Accurate Data - 18 Hurndale Ave., Tor., ON. M4K 1R7  Toll Free: 1-888-241-3282     Email:
Data Recovery Info
Hard Disks
Removeable Media
arrow.GIF (116 bytes) Tapes and Cartridges
Supported Platforms
Recovery Requests
Evaluation Form

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tapes_cartridges.GIF (2437 bytes)A customer service representative will phone you as soon as we receive your tape and s/he will make a follow up call shortly after we fax you a detailed report stating the amount of data that is recoverable, how long it will take to recover and a firm price for the complete job.

There is no charge for the initial evaluation of tape media but more time is needed due to the exhaustive procedure necessary to properly evaluate its data recovery potential. Mirroring the data to a shop device can take up to 8 hours. The complete evaluation phase usually takes from 12 hours to less than 2 working days.

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At your request the second stage of the process begins. The actual recovery phase is where your data is manipulated, reconstructed and placed on a fresh tape medium in a form you can read. Our personalized methods allow us to achieve the highest data recovery yields in the industry, with better than 98% success on tape recoveries that proceed to this stage. The complete turnaround is usually 2 to 4 days. You are only obliged to pay for a successful recovery and only at the price that was originally quoted.

We support all the following tape mediums and more:

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