Accurate Data - 18 Hurndale Ave., Tor., ON. M4K 1R7  Toll Free: 1-888-241-3282      Email:
arrow.GIF (116 bytes) Recovery Requests
Evaluation Form

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recovery_requests.GIF (2307 bytes)To request recovery services please phone our 24 hour Hotline at 1-888 241 DATA (3282). A job number is assigned and our tracking system will track your media through every step of the recovery process. You can also phone our Hotline number, or 416 - 465 -4103, to receive references and/or testimonials on past  work we've done for our many satisfied customers. This is our way of guaranteeing you feel secure in Accurate Data Recovery as your professional data recovery company.

Please print out and complete the evaluation request form. You can use the" file-print" feature of your web browser or we can fax you a copy of this form when you call for service.

Please package your media carefully and include an original signed copy of the evaluation request form. It is best to package hard drives in a anti-static bag and allow for plenty of soft protective foam or bubble wrap around your drive.

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Our customer service representative will suggest which express shipping service is best for your area. For US and international customers, priority overnight service with any of the major carriers includes free Custom Brokerage. The added cost of Custom Brokerage fees when parcels are sent by ground results in the shipping price being higher than priority overnight shipping and can take up to 10 days for delivery.

Please include a copy of any special boot diskettes, undo disks, passwords, repair utilities already used on the drive, and perhaps the hard drive controller card if the unit is proprietary or very old.

Accurate Data Recovery is not responsible for unclaimed items left in our shop after 60 days. Payment of approved quotations is due in full, when your data is successfully recovered and ready to be returned. We currently accept the following methods of payment:

VISA, AMEX, Master Card, Company cheque, International Money Order, Electronic Bank Transfer.

Click here for the..... Evaluation Request Form

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