Accurate Data - 18 Hurndale Ave., Tor., ON. M4K 1R7  Toll Free: 1-888-241-3282    Email:
Recovery Requests
Evaluation Form

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A call to Accurate Data's recovery Hotline 1-800-465-7223 is your fast track to successful data recovery. A customer service technician will discuss the circumstances leading up to your data loss. In addition, we may be able to provide some help in determining if you have checked all the obvious things like mismatched cmos or driver configuration, loose cable connections or a bad controller card. At that point you will be given instructions to ship the drive to our repair facility where a two step process to recover your data will begin immediately.

Step 1 ..... The Assessment Phase

As soon as we receive your media a team of highly skilled specialists will begin to immediately evaluate the condition and recoverability of your data. A customer service technician will phone you to acknowledge we have received it and review the data recovery evaluation form that was sent with the drive. A bar code number is assigned to the drive to enable step-by-step tracking. The media is then checked for the functionality of the hardware. The customer is immediately informed if the physical hardware has to be repaired. Nothing is ever done to void a warranty without prior customer approval. head_3.GIF (2983 bytes)

The next process involves mirroring the data to a compatible drive. We never manipulate data on the original media. If the file structures have been badly damaged mirroring retries alone can take more than one day of bench work. Once the data is on a shop device an expert recovery engineer will perform a complete analysis of the file structure and a detailed report, along with a file and directory list which will be faxed to you immediately.

Step 2 ..... The Actual Recovery Phase

During the recovery process our engineers check for virus damage and they may perform component level board repairs. Any repair, or adjustment of components are often just temporary measures to gain access to the data. We then run our unique data recovery utilities to repair the master boot record, drive partitions, and file allocation tables in order to prepare the data for extraction. If your hard drive is severely damaged, we may need to reconstruct the individual files manually, one sector at a time. Finally the good data is extracted and reconstructed on the original drive, if it is stable. Otherwise, the data will be written to a CD ROM or transferred to other media most convenient to the customer. head_4.GIF (2928 bytes)

After returning your data a technician will call you to provide any assistance you may need in restoring your data on your system and advise you about whether to continue using your original drive for data storage. Unsuccessful recoveries will be returned with the data in its original condition.

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